تصفح الوسم
#ارفع_علم_ثورتك Raise The Flag of Your Revolution
Snap shots of the Syrian flag -mainly with my…
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Syrians have been oppressed by a dictator & jihadists, bombed by the west, & you call us…
At first we didn’t recognise our friend. He had…
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The road to Aleppo
The journey from Turkey to Aleppo is becoming…
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Living Under Assadi and The International Strikes
A helicopter hovers somewhere over my house and I…
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Child’s Play in Aleppo Graveyard
Awareness of death runs through games in a…
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في حديقتنا….مقبرة
ضحكات صاخبة لأطفال ثابروا الحضور تطرب لها الأرواح…
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Syrian diary: Life in Aleppo
“THREE barrel bombs, two missiles, five mortars……
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